International Conference, Toulouse (France),
5-8 september 2005

version française

english version











The third international colloquium "Origines 3" was held in London in 2008 :

With the participation of the Conseil Régional Midi-Pyrénées, Centre d’anthropologie de Toulouse,
Centre national de la recherche scientifique, Institut français
d’archéologie orientale and the Ministère des Affaires Etrangères


The Second International Conference on Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt was held in Toulouse in September 2005. After the inaugural Krakow International Conference (August 2002), the Toulouse Conference had approximately 150 delegates from around the world delivering more than 50 lectures and commenting 20 posters. These scholars represented a variety of disciplines and fields of study such as Egyptology, Archaeology, Geo-archaeology or Physical Anthropology. The main thematic of the meeting – The Origin of the State – was split into different subjects defined by the members of the Scientific Committee. The purpose of these thematic sessions was to avoid dispersion of the interventions and to focus the papers on more precise points. The latest field discoveries were presented during the breaks on posters in the entrance hall.

You will find on this website all the information concerning the scientific contents of the Toulouse Conference (program, abstracts, reviews, pictures). We invite you to register right now on this page so that we can keep you informed of the latest news in Predynastic research and discuss any of your suggestions:

Information management : Béatrix Midant-Reynes et Yann Tristant
Realization : Evelyne Tissier
Last update : 18 septembre 2008