the question of the origin of the state in Egypt, eight topics were
retained by the Scientific Committee of the congress:
How to understand the social structuring, the capacity of the elite
and the organisation of the state through the craft productions (pottery,
beer brewery, complementarities of the domestic activities) ?
It is the specificity of the scientific pole of Toulouse. Thanks in
particular to the collaborations initiated in Egypt by the Conseil Régional
de la Région Midi-Pyréenées, the recent research
carried out in the field of the physical anthropology allows to better
conceive the problems related to the adaptation of the populations with
their environment, their health or their diseases, and contribute to
the comprehension of social complexification processes.
sciences in a social context
Archaeozoology, carpology, geomorphology... as many sciences which are
interested in the environment of the populations and constitute today
essential elements to understand the archaeological sites and the predynastic
ways of life.
Egypt interactions
Considered as one of the most threatened area in Egypt, because of the
urbanisation and the agricultural pressure, the Nile Delta retains today
detailed attention of the scientific community. What is our current
knowledge of the cultures of Low-Egypt and their reciprocal relationships
to the Naqada complex ?
Valley interactions
Still largely unexplored, the deserts bordering the Nile Valley constitute
key territories in the identification of the Predynastic roads and trade.
Crossroads between Africa, the Mediterranean and Asia, Egypt is the
centre of an important communication network and long distance exchanges
with its close (Nubia, Palestine) or further neighbours (Mesopotamia,
of writing
The development of writing, its appropriation by the elite and the importance
which it acquires at the end of the Early Dynastic period appear among
the most important questions of the cultural process which carried out
to the birth of the State in Egypt.
ideology and social complexity
How to apprehend the social and ideological mutation which announced
the first kings and the birth of the State in Egypt ?