Colloque international de Toulouse,
5-8 septembre 2005

version française

english version














Lundi 5 septembre 2005 - Monday 5th September 2005
Mardi 6 septembre 2005 - Tuesday 6th September 2005
Mercredi 7 septembre 2005 - Wednesday 7th September 2005
Jeudi 8 septembre 2005 - Thursday 8th September 2005
Posters - Posters

Lundi 5 septembre 2005
Monday 5th September 2005

Accueil des participants
Reception of the participants

9h00-10h00 / 9:00-10:00 am

Accueil au Conseil Régional Midi-Pyrénées et remise des mallettes
Reception in the Conseil Régional Midi-Pyrénées and handing over of the packages

Session inaugurale
Inaugural Session

10h00-12h00 / 10:00-12:00 am

Artisanat, spécialisation technique
Craft and craft specialisation

Chairman Chairman: Christiana KÖHLER (Macquarie University, Sydney)
Discutant Respondent: Thomas HIKADE (University of British Columbia, Vancouver)

14h00-16h00 / 2:00-4:00 pm

14h00 / 2:00 - Introduction (10 min)
Christiana KÖHLER (Macquarie University, Sydney)
14h15 / 2:15 - Lithic Industries from Adaima: Between Farmers and Craftmen (20 min)
François BRIOIS, Béatrix MIDANT-REYNES (Centre d’anthropologie, UMR 8555, EHESS, CNRS, Toulouse)
14h40 / 2:40 - Brewery from Tell el-Farkha (archaeology and palaeobotany) (20 min)
Krzysztof CICHOWSKI (Jagiellonian University, Kraków)), Lucy KUBIAK-MARTENS (BIAX Consult, AL Zaandam)
15h05 / 3:05 - Corpus of Pottery from the Proto/Early Dynastic Cemetery at Kafr Hassan Dawood, Wadi Tumilat, East Delta, Egypt (20 min)
F.-A. HASSAN (University College London, London), G.-J. TASSIE (University College London, London), A. EL-SENOUSSI (Supreme Council of Antiquities, Faiyum), A. KJØLBY (Copenhagen University, Copenhagen), J. VAN WETERING (Leiden University, Hague), D. SHARP (University College London, London), B. CALCOEN (Egyptian Cultural Heritage organisation, Leuven)
15h30 / 3:30 - Economics of Production of the Predynastic Tomb and its Content (20 min)
Marwa HELMY (Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven)

Pause Break

16h30-19h00 / 4:30-7:00 pm

16h30 / 4:30 - Craft Specialisation at Hierakonpolis during the Early Naqada II Period in the Elite Context of Cemetery HK6 (20 min)
Stan HENDRICKX (Provincial Hogeschool Limburg, Hasselt / Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven)
16h55 / 4:55 - Pre- and Early Dynastic Textiles: Technology, Specialisation and Administration during the Process of State Formation (20 min)
Jana JONES (Macquarie University, Sydney)
17h20 / 5:20 - The Economic and Social Implications of Jewellery Production in the Early Dynastic Period: Some Preliminary Insights (20 min)
Anna LEFFERS (Macquarie University, Sydney)
17h45 / 5:45 - Decorated Ceramics of the Late Predynastic: Methodology and Findings Related to a Study of Production, Distribution and Function (20 min)
Patricia PODZORSKI (University of Memphis, Memphis)
18h10 / 6:10 - Firing Installations and Levels of Specialization: A View from Recent Excavations at Hierakonpolis Locality 11C (20 min)
Izumi H. TAKAMIYA (Kinki University, Osaka)

Questions Discussion

Mardi 6 septembre 2005
Tuesday 6th September 2005

Sciences environnementales
Environmental sciences

Chairman Chairman: Morgan DE DAPPER (Ghent University, Ghent)
Discutants Respondents: Renée FRIEDMAN (British Museum, London), Ahmed G. FAHMY (University of Helwan, Helwan)

8h30-10h00 / 8:30-10:00 am

8h30 / 8:30 - Geo-Archaeology: Man and Environment in Past Times. The Geomorphological Approach (10 min)
Morgan DE DAPPER (Ghent University, Ghent)
8h45 / 8:45 - Harvesting Techniques in the Late Neolithic and Predynastic Egypt - Contributions from Experimental Archaeology (20 min)
Giulio LUCARINI (University "La Sapienza", Rome)
9h10 / 9:10 - A Preliminary Report on the Excavations of the Old Kingdom - Late Predynastic Strata of Mendes.1999-2005 (20 min)
Matthew ADAMS (The Pennsylvania State University)
9h35 / 9:35 - Environmental Change and Settlements Shifts during the Predynastic : New Data from
Upper Egypt (20 min)
Claire NEWTON (Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale, Le Caire)

Pause Break

10h30-12h30 / 10:30-12:30 am

10h30 / 10:30 - Contribution de la palynologie et de la phytolythologie à l'étude des sépultures d'Adaïma (20 min)
Aline EMERY-BARBIER (CNRS, UMR 7041, Laboratoire d'Ethnologie préhistorique, Nanterre)
10h55 / 10:55 - Human Occupation of the Nile Delta during Pre- and Early Dynastic Times. A View from Kom el-Khilgan (20 min)
Yann TRISTANT (Centre d’anthropologie, EHESS, UMR 8555, Toulouse), Morgan DE DAPPER (Ghent University, Ghent)
11h20 / 11:20 - Palaeoethnobotany in Predynastic Hierakonpolis, Upper Egypt (20 min)
Ahmed G. FAHMY (University of Helwan, Helwan)

Questions Discussion

Anthropobiologie et écologie humaine à l’époque prédynastique
Bioanthropology and Human Ecology at Predynastic Times

Chairman Chairman: Jerome C. ROSE (University of Arkansas, Fayetteville)
Discutant Respondent: Eric CRUBEZY (Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse)

14h00-16h00 / 2:00-4:00 pm

14h00 / 2:00 - Egyptians at the Beginning (10 min)
Jerome C. ROSE (University of Arkansas, Fayetteville)
14h15 / 2:15 - The Predynastic of Egypt: a View from Adaima (20 min)
Eric CRUBEZY(Centre d’anthropologie, Université Paul Sabatier, CNRS, UMR 8555, Toulouse), Sylvie DUCHESNE (Centre d’anthropologie, UMR 8555, Toulouse), Luc STANIASZEK (INRAP, Dijon), Béatrix MIDANT-REYNES (Centre d’anthropologie, CNRS, UMR 8555, Toulouse)
14h40 / 2:40 - Sacred or Mundane: Scalping and Decapitation at Predynastic Hierakonpolis (20 min)
Sean P. DOUGHERTY (University of Indiana, Bloomington), Renée FRIEDMAN (British Museum, London)
15h05 / 3:05 - The First Human Occupation of the Nile valley: Anthropological and Cultural data (20 min)
Isabelle CREVECOEUR (Laboratoire d'anthropologie des population du passé, UMR 5199, PACEA, Bordeaux), Bruno MAUREILLE (Laboratoire d'anthropologie des population du passé, UMR 5199, PACEA, Bordeaux), Philip VAN PEER (Laboratorium voor Prehistorie, Leuven)
15h30 / 3:30 - Study of Gm Immunoglobulin Allotypes in Berbers from Egypt (Siwa Oasis) (20 min)
Clotilde COUDRAY (Centre d’anthropologie, UMR 8555, Toulouse), Evelyne GUITARD (Centre d’anthropologie, UMR 8555, Toulouse), Farha EL-CHENNAWI (University of Mansoura, Mansoura, Egypt), Jean-Michel DUGOUJON (Centre d’anthropologie, UMR 8555, Toulouse)

Pause Break

16h30-19h00 / 4:30-7:0 pm

16h30 / 4:30 - The East cemetery of Adaïma (Upper Égypt). Palaeodemography of a Predynastic cemetery (20 min)
Sylvie DUCHESNE, Éric CRUBÉZY (Centre d’anthropologie, Toulouse)
16h55 / 4:55 - Palaeopathology in Adaima (20 min)
Henri DABERNAT (Faculté de médecine, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse)
17h20 / 5:20 - Paleodemography in Predynastic Upper Egypt: Investigations of the Working-Class Cemetery at Hierakonpolis (20 min)
Trey BATEY (University of Arkansas, Fayetteville)
17h45 / 5:45 - Work Levels of a Predynastic Egyptian Population at Hierakonpolis (20 min)
Melissa ZABECKI (University of Arkansas, Fayetteville)
18h10 / 6:10 - Cranial Robusticity, Teeth, Diet and Social Organisation (20 min)
Sonia ZAKRZEWSKI (University of Southampton, Southampton)

Questions Discussion

Mercredi 7 septembre 2005
Wednesday 7th September 2005

Relations internationales
Foreign Relations

Chairman Chairman: Edwin C.M. VAN DEN BRINK (Israel Antiquities Authority, Tel Aviv)

8h00-10h00 / 8:00-10:00 am

8h00 / 8:00 - Introduction (10 min)
Edwin C.M. VAN DEN BRINK (Israel Antiquities Authority, Tel Aviv)
8h15 / 8:15 - Ethnicity and Changing Relations between Egyptians and South Levantines during the Early Dynastic Period (20 min)
Marcelo CAMPAGNO (University of Buenos Aires, CONICET, Buenos Aires)
8h40 / 8:40 - Appraising South Levantine-Egyptian Interaction based on New Evidence from Tel Lod (20 min)
Eliot BRAUN (Israel Antiquities Authority, Jerusalem)
9h05 / 9:05 - Some Remarks on (South) Levantine Interrelations at the beginning of 4th Millennium BC (20 min)
Agnieszka MACZYNSKA (Poznan Archaeological Museum, Poznan)
9h30 / 9:30 - New finds of Egyptian origin at Chalcolithic Wadi Rayyon, Jordan (20 min)

Pause Break

10h30-12h30 / 10:30 am-12:30 am

10h30 / 10:30 - Iconography of Local Resistance (20 min)
Yuval YEKUTIELI (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva)

10h55 / 10:55 - Niched Architecture in Early Mesopotamia and Early Egypt (20 min)
Uwe SIEVERTSEN (Altorientalisches Seminar, Tübingen)

11h20 / 11:20- At the Origin of the Egyptian Civilization: Reconsidering the Relationship between Egypt and Nubia in the Pre- and Protodynastic Periods (20 min)
Maria GATTO (Rome)

11h45 / 11:45 - The Roots of the “Naqadian Expansion” Phenomenon and the Secondary Social Formation in the Egyptian, Nubian and South Levantine Areas (20 min)
Frédéric GUYOT (Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris)

Questions Discussion

Interactions entre les déserts et la vallée du Nil
Interactions between the Desert and the Nile Valley

Chairman Chairman: Heiko RIEMER (University of Cologne, Cologne)

14h00-16h30 / 2:00-4:30 pm

14h00 / 2:00 - Introduction (10 min)
Heiko RIEMER (University of Cologne, Cologne)
14h15 / 2:15 - The Late Prehistoric Cultures of the Gilf Kebir and Jebel Uweinat – The Evidence from Rock Art (20 min)
Andras ZBORAY (Budapest)
14h40 / 2:40 – The Nile Valley seen from the Oases - The Contribution of Farafra (20 min)
Barbara BARIC
H, Giulio LUCARINI (University “La Sapienza”, Rome)
15h05 / 3:05 - Desert - Nile Valley Interactions: A view from Djara (20 min)
Karin KINDERMANN (University of Cologne, Cologne)
15h30 / 3:30 - Evidence from the Rayayna Desert and Kurkur Oasis for Long Distance Trade during the Predynastic Period (20 min)
Deborah DARNELL (Yale University, New Haven)
15h55 / 3:55 - Contacts between the Oasis and the Nile: A Resumé of the Abu Muhariq Plateau Survey 1995-2002 (20 min)
Heiko RIEMER (University of Cologne, Cologne)

Questions Discussion

Pause Break

Interactions entre la Haute et la Basse Egypte
Interactions between Upper and Lower Egypt

Chairman Chairman: Ulrich HARTUNG (German Institute of Archaeology, Cairo)
Discutant Respondent : Diana PATCH (The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York)

17h00-19h30 / 5:00-7:30 pm

17h00 / 5:00
- Introduction (10 min)
Ulrich HARTUNG (German Institute of Archaeology, Cairo)
17h15 / 5:15 - Trade and Exchange in Predynastic and Early Dynastic Period in the Eastern Nile Delta in (20 min)
Marek CHLODNICKI (Poznan Archaeological Museum, Poznan)
17h40 / 5:40 - The Nature of the Relation between Lower and Upper Egypt in Protodynastic Period. A View from Tell el-Farkha (20 min)
Krzysztof CIALOWICZ (Jagiellonian University, Kraków)
18h05 / 6:05 - The Roles and Interaction of Upper and Lower Egypt in the Formation of the Egyptian State - Another Review (20 min)
Christiana KÖHLER (Macquarie University, Sydney)
18h30 / 6:30 - The Cemetery of el-Gerzeh. Implications for our Understanding of Social Development and the so-called ‘Expansion of the Nagada Culture’ (20 min)
Alice STEVENSON (University of Cambridge, Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge)
18h55 / 6:55 - The Dynamics of Diversity : Interaction between the Individual, the Institution and the Environment during the rise of the Egyptian state (20 min)
Joanne ROWLAND (7th University of London, London)

Questions Discussion

Jeudi 8 septembre 2005
Thursday 8th September 2005

Naissance de l’écriture et royauté
Birth of Writing and Kingship

Chairman Chairman: John BAINES (Faculty of Oriental Studies, Oxford)
Discutant Respondent: Christiana KÖHLER (Macquarie University, Sydney)

8h00-10h00 / 8:00-10:00 am

8h00 / 8:00 - Introduction (10 min)
John BAINES (Faculty of Oriental Studies, Oxford)
8h15 / 8:15 - Words and Signs of Numerals in Egyptian - Some Elements of Analysis and Reflexion (20 min)
Alain ANSELIN (Université des Antilles-Guyane)
8h40 / 8:40 - The Thinite "Royal Lists": Typology and Meaning (20 min)
Josep CERVELLO AUTUORI (Institut d'Estudis del Pròxim Orient Antic, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (IEPOA-UAB), Barcelona)
9h05 / 9:05 -
Rock inscriptions, Niloticizing the desert, and the origin of Egyptian writing (20 min)
John C. DARNELL (Yale University, New Haven)
9h30 / 9:30 - Gender and the Emergence of Writing (20 min)
Ludwig MORENZ (Universität Leipzig, Leipzig)

Pause Break

10h30-12h00 / 10:30-12:00 am

10h30 / 10:30 - Early Dynastic Palaeography (20 min)
Ilona REGULSKI (Dutch-Flemish Institute, Cairo)
10h55 / 10:55 - Kings as Gods in Early Egyptian Writing System (20 min)
Racheli SHALOMI-HEN (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva)
11h20 / 11:20 - Limits of Decipherment: Object Biographies and the Invention of Writing (20 min)
David WENGROW (University College London, London)

Questions Discussion

Culte, idéologie et complexité sociale
Cult, Ideology and Social Complexity

Chairman Chairman: Krzysztof CIALOWICZ (Jagiellonian University, Kraków)
Discutants Respondents: Stan HENDRICKX (Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven)
Mostafa ATALLAH (Faculty of Archaeology, University of Cairo, Cairo)

14h00-16h00 / 2:00-4:00 pm

14h00 / 2:00
- Introduction (10 min)
Krzysztof CIALOWICZ (Jagiellonian University, Kraków)
14h15 / 2:15 - Tegumentary Paint and Cosmetic Palettes in Predynastic Egypt. Impact of those Artefacts on the Birth of the Monarchy (20 min)
Nathalie BADUEL (Université Lumière Lyon II, Lyon)
14h40 / 2:40 - Burial custom and political status of local societies - a view from Tell el-Farkha (20 min)
Joanna DEBOWSKA (Jagiellonian University, Kraków)
15h05 / 3:05 - The Evolution of Royal Ideology: New Discoveries from the Reign of Aha (20 min)
Laurel D. BESTOCK (Institute of Fine Arts, New York)
15h30 / 3:30 - Egyptian Desert and the Origin of Pharaonic Conception (20 min)
Antonio PEREZ LARGACHA (University of Castilla la Mancha, Ciudad Real)

Pause Break

16h30-18h30 / 4:30-6:30 pm

16h30 / 4:30 - Finding the War ! A follow-up to M. Campagno’s Origins I article ‘In the Beginning was the War. Conflict and the Emergence of the Egyptian State’ (20 min)
Joris VAN WETERING (Leiden University, Leiden)
16h55 / 4:55 - The origin of the State and the Unification: two different concepts in the same context (20 min)
Alejandro JIMENEZ SERRANO (Spain)
17h20 / 5:20 - Parameters of Statehood in Predynastic Egypt (20 min)
Branislav ANDELKOVIC (University of Belgrade, Belgrade)

Questions Discussion

Session de clôture Closing Session
18h30 / 6:30 pm

Posters -Posters

Les posters seront affichés pendant toute la durée du colloque et pourront être présentés durant les pauses café et les repas
The posters will be exhibited during the conference and shall be presented during breaks and lunches

Pottery making tools -worked sherds from HK11C Square B4, Hierakonpolis-
Masahiro BABA (Department of Archaeology, Waseda University)

Proto-Dynastic and Early- Dynastic necropolis of Tell el-Daba’a ( El-Qanan) and Tell El-Samarah (El-Dakahlia province, Northeast Delta)
Salem G. EL BAGHDADI (Egypt)

Recent Excavations at Hierakonpolis
Renée FRIEDMAN (British Museum, London)

Recent work at Tell el-Fara'in/Buto
Ulrich HARTUNG (German Archaeological Institute, Cairo)

Corpus of Potmarks from the Proto/Early Dynastic Cemetery at Kafr Hassan Dawood, Wadi Tumilat, East Delta, Egypt

Reassessing Age-at-Death through Toothwear Using the Population at Hierakonpolis 43
Aimee HUARD (University of Arkansas, Fayetteville)

The corpus of potmarks from the Pre/Early Dynastic site at Tell el-Farkha

Mariusz JUCHA (Jagiellonian University, Kraków)

The Archaeology of Djara: Environment, Chronology and Land-Use
Karin KINDERMANN (University of Cologne, Cologne), Stefanie NUSSBAUM, Nadja PÖLLATH (Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich)

Recent work at Helwan
Christiana KÖHLER (Macquarie University, Sydney)

Pottery from Cemetery B at Abydos
Christiana KÖHLER, C. KNOBLAUCH (Macquarie University, Sydney)

Discoveries on the Western Kom (Tell el-Farkha - Nile Delta) in the 2004-2005 seasons
Piotr KOLODZIEJCZYK (Jagiellonian University, Kraków)

Stone objects from Tell el Farkha (Nile Delta) in the 2000-2005
Anna LONGA (Jagiellonian University, Kraków)

The Predynastic Collection of the Musée des Antiquités Nationales, Saint-Germain-en-Laye, France
Christine LORRE (Musée des antiquités nationales, Saint-Germain-en-Laye)

Predynastic Pins and Combs: An Approach to its Chronology and Development in the Necropolis of Naqada

Recent Excavations at Adaïma
Béatrix MIDANT-REYNES et al. (Centre d’anthropologie, Toulouse)

Recent Excavations at Kom el-Khilgan
Béatrix MIDANT-REYNES et al. (Centre d’anthropologie, Toulouse)

Predynastic objects of “Art ”: Contests, Meanings, Changes and Regionalism
Simona MOSCADELLI (University “La Sapienza”, Rome)

Egyptian Predynastic Pottery with Painted Decoration - A Study of its Archaeological Context
Edyta Maria NOWAK (Jagiellonian University, Kraków)

Artefacts made of vegetal fibres from Adaima, Upper Egypt
Christiane PETIT (Etréchy)

The Materiality of Early Egyptian Graphic Media and the Construction of a Contextual Archaeology
Kathryn E. PIQUETTE (University College London, London)

Tomb and matting. Paleographical and archeological approach of a primitive burial practice (the case of the word "js" and the Adaima Artifacts)
Isabelle REGEN (Institut français d’archéologie orientale, Le Caire), Christiane PETIT (Centre d'anthropologie, Toulouse)

El Karafish. A Sheikh Muftah desert camp site between the Oasis and the Nile

Heiko RIEMER, Stefanie NUSSBAUM, Nadja PÖLLATH (University of Cologne, Cologne ; Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich)

Early Dynastic Pottery from Helwan

Jane SMYTHE (Macquarie University, Sydney)